Aims and Scope

The Journal publishes the well developed innovative articles, in English and Arabic, and encourages emerging researchers globally to share their professional and academic knowledge in all fields of agricultural science such as crop and animal physiology, modeling of crop and animal systems, agricultural economics, agronomy,  agricultural biotechnology, agricultural extension and rural development, soil science and environmental management, post-harvest research, livestock management and production, sericulture, agricultural entomology,  agricultural engineering, agro-ecology, fisheries and aquaculture, forestry,  horticulture,  land use, environmental impacts of agriculture, waste management,  rural biodiversity, experimental design and statistical analysis, irrigation and drainage,  plant breeding, veterinary medicine and animal health and poultry farming. The prestigious interdisciplinary editorial board reflects the diversity of subjects covered in this journal.

Publisher highly encourages authors and reviewers to use the electronic submission and peer-review system through receiving and distributing manuscripts. Our objective is to inform authors of the decision on their manuscript(s) within four weeks of submission. Following acceptance, a paper will be published in the next issue.

Before the manuscript sending to reviewers, plagiarism will be done by the journal and the result will be informed to authors. Accepted manuscripts mean accepted from Editors committee and high reputed reviewers chosen from the scientific committee members from Supreme Council of Universities and high standards from Egyptian professors in different research areas and different universities.

Editors invite you to submit your manuscript(s) as an email attachment in MS-Word format for publication. Before submission authors should carefully read over the journal's instructions to the authors, which are located at the website. You can also view any of our published issues on our archive page via this link.