Role of Some Stimulants Materials for Improve Growth, Yield and Quality of Color Sweet Pepper Hybrids Under Plastic Houses Conditions.

Document Type : Original Articles


Growth, yield, and quality for two hybrids of color sweet pepper as influenced by some stimulant
materials i-e chitosan with concentration (250 ppm), melatonin with (50 ppm) and potassium silicate with
(2000 ppm) in addition to control. were studied. The experiments were carried out in two successive
seasons 2021/ 2022 and 2022/ 2023 at the farm and laboratories of the Horticulture Department Faculty of
Agriculture Minia University, El Minia Governorate, Egypt, under plastic house conditions. The
experiment was laid out as CRBD in the split plots design where the two hybrids were done out in the
main plot and the stimulant materials were distributed in a subplot with three replicates. The results
revealed that most growth parameters, yield, and its components such as average fruit weight and the
number of fruits/plant in addition to some fruit quality i-e fruit wall thickness were improved significantly
after spraying these materials compared to control plants (those plants which sprayed with water). Among
these materials spraying plants with potassium silicate improved the number of fruits/plant, number of
branches/plant, fresh weight of plant, and total yield. While spraying with melatonin had improved the
average fruit weight, average fruit length, and dry weight of the plant, on the other hand spraying with
chitosan had improved the average plant height.
